EXHIBITION/OPEN LABORATORY: How to create a Grebnellaw

17 november 2018

How do you create a Grebnellaw? Artist Nosslo-Grebnellaw-Aniluap will bring her participatory performance project Grebnellaw to ‘Handarbetets Vänner’ and outline some of the answers to this question. 

The gallery will be turned into a dreamlike laboratory where the imaginary red and white universe will come to life through music, textiles, visuals and performance art. The ​aftermath from the opening night will become a part of the exhibition.

“I love to play GOD because you are not supposed to. The creation of beings from unformed material fascinates me, to give it the ‘breath of life’. In my mind I am populating the world with Grebnellaws…and I don’t really know why…it’s a thought experiment.” 

B​lurring the boundaries between genres, the opening night will be a ‘live’ performance, where the participants will ​undergo a process on how to become a Grebnellaw. Made for the purpose of creating a living hyperbody, ​a collection of basic uniforms, worn by ‘models’, will be painted live in the gallery based on an individual idea of ​​body, gender and beauty. In the Grebnellaw universe textiles, inflation, and Platonic solids have magic properties and are the key ingredients in the official Torus shaped ‘uniform’. 

The laboratory will be hosted by Grebnellaw between the 4-17th of April and visitors are welcome to drop by and engage in conversations or contact the gallery to collaborate.

About Grebnellaw

Since 2014, the founder of Grebnellaw, Artist Nosslo-Grebnellaw-Aniluap has combined experiences as an artist, electronic musician and performer into the red and white world of Grebnellaw. Grebnellaw has performed throughout the world but mainly in Sweden, China, South Korea, and Japan. As noteworthy side projects, Nosslo Grebnellaw Aniluap is a guest teacher in form at the Beckmans College of Design and was the costume designer for a re-imagination between Beethoven’s “Fidelio” and Harry Martinson’s “Aniara” at the Opera de Lyon and at the Edinburgh Festival. Between 2014-2016 Grebnellaw participated in the touring exhibition Staged Fashion/Designed Identities curated by Helena Hertov. In 2018 Grebnellaw started staging Grebnellaws in public space with a Flash Mob invasion inside of the Oculus in NYC. Grebnellaw at Handarbetets Vänner Gallery is an installation in a series of more events. 

Following installments will take place at ‘Live Action 14’ in Gothenburg, Stockholm Pride 2019, and at STOFF Stockholm Fringe Festival.  


Opening: 20th of March 5-8PM, Free Entrance

Exhibition period: March 20th – April 20th 2019

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